School Concert

School Concert
What a good looking bunch!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stuff that has happened in grade 5b this week!
By Ben
On Thursday afternoon, after lunch, we went up to Mrs Bodger’s room to be with our buddies. When we got our buddies, Mrs Kerr and Mrs Bodger told us that we had to set up our buddies Mathletics accounts in the computer room with our buddies!  Mrs Bodger also said that our buddies had to do all of it and we were just helping them setting it up. Once we set up our buddies avatars, we had to help our buddies do some maths! It was so much fun!
Today, which is Friday, we went to the library since on Thursday, and it was POURING DOWN WITH RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 11th birthday
On Monday 21st of March it was my birthday! I woke up at 6.30am and woke up my mum. Then I got my remote control helicopter. Then I went outside to play with it. It was really cool it came with two little darts so I shot my brother. J Then I got a ps3 game and a movie. Next my brother woke up and he gave me his present it was a messed up dog that does back flips. Then sadly I had to go to school, after school I went to my Nan’s she gave me a game a movie and a can that you add things onto it and it makes the can move.    
Hi my name is Patrick Duncan and I’m doing the national judo tournament this year on June the 11th in Perth. I’ve won 5 gold medals and two silver medals. Out of 8 competitions I’m very nervous about going to the nationals this year. Some people get at least 20 fights so I need to get ready for what’s about to happen. By patch          

My buddy is called BRODY . Brody is really cute, funny and he is really bubbly and full of life. Brody is all so fun to be around and he loves to talk. Sometimes during the school week all of my grade go and visit their buddies. We do some stuff with our buddies like when it was clean up AUSTRALIA DAY we went around the school yard and picked up rubbish.
                              By Brianna 5B

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