School Concert

School Concert
What a good looking bunch!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Grade 5 expo
This term we had natural disasters expo there were Volcanoes, Tsunami’s, Tornadoes and lots more. I did a paper Mache tsunami and a poster. There were lots of great volcanoes and lots of explosions that were amazing.
By patch     

This term has been a magnificent term, this terms topic was What Is A Disaster?.
Heaps of people did their’s on Volcanoes. I did mine on Tornadoes.
Some people made an exploding Volcano, some were really good.
By Jake 5B

This was a good term 2 the Grade 5’s and 6’s topic was “What is a disaster?” The Grade 5’s had to do a project on a natural disaster. I did mine on volcanos.   I made a big model that exploded and red larva went everywhere!!
By Jason 5A       

This term has been AWESOME but my favourite parts would have been: winter lightning prems I was in soccer and we almost won, projects on natural disasters that the grade 5’s and 6’s did and of course last day of school. I can’t wait till next term and to see my friends but I still wish holidays would never end. Well I’ll see you bloggers next term when we’re all back with new things to tell you guys.

                                 By Brianna 5B

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Grade 5 Buddies
On Wednesday, it was buddy afternoon. We did lots of activites with our buddies.Some of the activites were reading our books to our buddies, The books were called Lost In A Storm. Our buddies made us a postcard. They wrote us a letter telling us about how much they like us being their buddies.